Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus

  1. Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus For Kids
  2. Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus Free
  3. Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus 2
  4. Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus Software
  1. Sep 22, 2013  I just upgraded to PD8 and am experiencing a problem with my mouse pointer disappearing when switching between an OSX window and a Windows app in Coherence Mode. For instance, I am running Microsoft OneNote next to a Safari window, and after browsing in Safari, my mouse pointer disappears and only becomes visible again when I click something in.
  2. Feb 17, 2019 Microsoft OneNote Basics and Beyond (Demo), Tips to Get More Out of OneNote - Duration: 50:31. Technocraft 26,622 views. 7 Tips to Get More Out of OneNote - Duration: 8:40.
  3. Also see Keyboard Shortcuts in OneNote for Mac later in this topic. If a function key doesn't work as you expect it to, press the Fn key in addition to the function key. If you don't want to press the Fn key every time, you can change your Apple system preferences. Change function key preferences with the mouse.
  4. Jul 22, 2016  This is Microsoft’s free gift to Mac users. “As a somewhat typical Microsoft app, OneNote for the Mac has a cluttered but familiar Windows-app-like look. They should focus.

The CMFCTabCtrl class provides functionality for a tab control. The tab control displays a dockable window with flat or three-dimensional tabs at its top or bottom. The tabs can display text and an image and can change color when active.

Oct 15, 2019  Microsoft OneNote received an update on iOS today that brings much-awaited ‌Dark Mode‌ support to the popular note-taking app. OneNote is usually a particularly bright app because of the large.



Public Constructors

CMFCTabCtrl::CMFCTabCtrlDefault constructor.

Public Methods

CMFCTabCtrl::ActivateMDITabDisplays the specified tab of the current tab control and sets the focus on that tab.
CMFCTabCtrl::AutoSizeWindowSpecifies whether the framework is to resize the client area of all tab control windows when a user interface element of the tab control changes.
CMFCTabCtrl::CalcRectEditDeflates the size of the specified tab area. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::CalcRectEdit.)
CMFCTabCtrl::CreateCreates the tab control and attaches it to the CMFCTabCtrl object.
CMFCTabCtrl::CreateObjectUsed by the framework to create a dynamic instance of this class type.
CMFCTabCtrl::EnableActiveTabCloseButtonShows or hides a Close button ( X) on the active tab.
CMFCTabCtrl::EnableInPlaceEditEnables or disables editable tab labels. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::EnableInPlaceEdit.)
CMFCTabCtrl::EnableTabDocumentsMenuReplaces two buttons that scroll the window tabs with a button that opens a menu of tabbed windows.
CMFCTabCtrl::EnsureVisibleEnsures that a tab is visible.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetDocumentIconRetrieves the symbol that is associated with a tab in a popup menu of tabbed windows.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetFirstVisibleTabNumRetrieves the index of the first tab that is visible in the current tab control.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetResizeModeRetrieves a value that specifies how the current tab control can be resized.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetScrollBarRetrieves a pointer to the scroll bar object that is associated with the tab control.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetTabAreaRetrieves the bounding rectangle of the tab label area at the top or bottom of the tab control. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::GetTabArea.)
CMFCTabCtrl::GetTabFromPointRetrieves the tab that contains a specified point. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::GetTabFromPoint.)
CMFCTabCtrl::GetTabMaxWidthRetrieves the maximum width of a tab.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetTabsHeightRetrieves the height of the tab area of the current tab control.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetTabsRectRetrieves a rectangle that bounds the tab area of the current tab control. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::GetTabsRect.)
CMFCTabCtrl::GetThisClassUsed by the framework to obtain a pointer to the CRuntimeClass object that is associated with this class type.
CMFCTabCtrl::GetWndAreaRetrieves the boundary of the client area of the current tab control.
CMFCTabCtrl::HideActiveWindowHorzScrollBarHides the horizontal scroll bar, if any, of the active window.
CMFCTabCtrl::HideInactiveWindowSpecifies whether the framework is to display inactive tab control windows.
CMFCTabCtrl::HideNoTabsEnables or disables drawing the tab area if there are no visible tabs.
CMFCTabCtrl::HideSingleTabEnables or disables drawing a tab when there is a single tabbed window. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::HideSingleTab.)
CMFCTabCtrl::IsActiveInMDITabGroupIndicates whether the current tab of a tab control is the active tab in an multiple document interface tab group.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsActiveTabBoldFontIndicates whether the text of the active tab is displayed using a bold font.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsActiveTabCloseButtonIndicates whether the Close button ( X) is displayed on an active tab or the upper-right corner of the tab area.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsDrawFrameIndicates whether the tabbed window draws a frame rectangle around embedded panes.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsFlatFrameIndicates whether the frame around the tab area is flat or 3D.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsFlatTabIndicates whether the appearance of the tabs in the current tab control is flat or not.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsLeftRightRoundedIndicates whether the appearance of the left and right side of a tab in the current tab control is rounded.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsMDITabGroupIndicates whether the current tab control is contained in the client area of a multiple-document interface window.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsOneNoteStyleIndicates whether the current tab control is displayed in the style of Microsoft OneNote.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsPtInTabAreaDetermines if a point is inside the tab area. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::IsPtInTabArea.)
CMFCTabCtrl::IsSharedScrollIndicates whether the current tab control has a scroll bar that can scroll its tabs as a group.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsTabDocumentsMenuIndicates whether the tab control displays scroll buttons or a button that displays a menu of tabbed windows.
CMFCTabCtrl::IsVS2005StyleIndicates whether tabs are displayed in the style of Visual Studio .NET 2005.
CMFCTabCtrl::ModifyTabStyleSpecifies the appearance of tabs in the current tab control.
CMFCTabCtrl::MoveTabMoves a tab to another tab position. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::MoveTab.)
CMFCTabCtrl::OnDragEnterCalled by the framework when the cursor is first dragged into the tab control window.
CMFCTabCtrl::OnDragOverCalled by the framework during a drag operation when the mouse is moved over the drop target window. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::OnDragOver.)
CMFCTabCtrl::OnShowTabDocumentsMenuDisplays a popup menu of tabbed windows, waits until the user selects a tab, and makes the selected tab the active tab.
CMFCTabCtrl::PreTranslateMessageTranslates window messages before they are dispatched to the TranslateMessage and DispatchMessage Windows functions. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::PreTranslateMessage.)
CMFCTabCtrl::RecalcLayoutRecalculates the internal layout of the tab control. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::RecalcLayout.)
CMFCTabCtrl::SetActiveInMDITabGroupSets the current tab of a tab control as the active tab in an multiple document interface tab group.
CMFCTabCtrl::SetActiveTabActivates a tab. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::SetActiveTab.)
CMFCTabCtrl::SetActiveTabBoldFontEnables or disables use of a bold font on active tabs.
CMFCTabCtrl::SetDrawFrameEnables or disables drawing a frame rectangle around an embedded bar.
CMFCTabCtrl::SetFlatFrameSpecifies whether to draw a flat or a 3D frame around the tab area.
CMFCTabCtrl::SetImageListSpecifies an image list. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::SetImageList.)
CMFCTabCtrl::SetResizeModeSpecifies how the current tab control can be resized and then redisplays the control.
CMFCTabCtrl::SetTabMaxWidthSpecifies the maximum tab width in a tabbed window.
CMFCTabCtrl::StopResizeTerminates the current resize operation on the tab control.
CMFCTabCtrl::SwapTabsSwaps a pair of tabs. (Overrides CMFCBaseTabCtrl::SwapTabs.)
CMFCTabCtrl::SynchronizeScrollBarDraws a horizontal scroll bar on a tab control that displays flat tabs.

Data Members

CMFCTabCtrl::m_bEnableActivatePrevents the active view from losing focus when a new tab is inserted and enabled.


The CMFCTabCtrl class supports:

  • Tab control styles that include 3D, flat, and flat with a shared horizontal scroll bar.

  • Tabs located at the top or the bottom of the window.

  • Tabs that display text, images, or text and images.

  • Tabs that change color when the tab is active.

  • Border size changes for adjustable tabs.

  • Detachable tabbed windows.

The CMFCTabCtrl class can be used with a dialog box, but is intended for applications that use docking control bars like Microsoft Excel and Visual Studio. For more information, see CDockablePane Class.

Follow these steps to add a resizable, docking tab control in your application:

  1. Create an instance of CTabbedPane Class.

  2. Call CDockablePane::Create.

  3. Use CBaseTabbedPane::AddTab or CMFCBaseTabCtrl::InsertTab to add new tabs.

  4. Call CBasePane::EnableDocking so that the current docking tab control can dock at the main frame window.

  5. Call CFrameWndEx::DockPane to dock the tabbed window at the main frame.

For an example of how to create a tabbed window as a docking control bar, see CTabbedPane Class. To use CMFCTabCtrl as a non-docking control, create a CMFCTabCtrl object and then call CMFCTabCtrl::Create.

Inheritance Hierarchy


The following example demonstrates how to use various methods in the CMFCTabCtrl class to configure a CMFCTabCtrl object. The example explains how to add a tab, show the Close button on the active tab, enable editable tab labels, and display a pop-up menu of tabbed window labels. This example is part of the State Collection sample.


Header: afxtabctrl.h


Displays the specified tab of the current tab control and sets the focus on that tab.


[in] The zero-based index of a tab to display, or -1 to specify the currently active tab.


For more detail see the source code located in the VCatlmfcsrcmfc folder of your Visual Studio installation.

Return Value

Always TRUE.



Specifies whether the framework is to resize the client area of all tab control windows when a user interface element of the tab control changes.


[in] TRUE to automatically resize tab control windows; otherwise, FALSE. The default value is TRUE.



Creates the tab control and attaches it to the CMFCTabCtrl object.


[in] The style of the tab control. For more information, see Remarks.

[in] A rectangle that bounds the tab control.

[in] A pointer to a parent window. Must not be NULL.

[in] The ID of the tab control.

[in] The location of tabs. The default value is LOCATION_BOTTOM. For more information, see Remarks.

[in] TRUE to display a close button on the tab; otherwise, FALSE. The default value is FALSE.

Return Value

TRUE if successful; otherwise, FALSE.


The following table describes the values you can specify for the style parameter.

STYLE_3DCreates a tab control with a three-dimensional appearance.
STYLE_FLATCreates a tab control with flat tabs.
STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLLCreates a tab control with flat tabs and a scroll bar that can scroll the tabs if they are clipped by a parent window.
STYLE_3D_ONENOTECreates a tab control in the style of Microsoft OneNote.
STYLE_3D_VS2005Creates a tab control in the style of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
STYLE_3D_ROUNDEDCreates a tab control with rounded tabs in the style of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.
STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_SCROLLCreates a tab control with rounded tabs and scroll buttons in the style of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

The following table lists the values you can specify for the location parameter.

LOCATION_BOTTOMTabs are located at the bottom of the tab control.
LOCATION_TOPTabs are located at the top of the tab control.


The following example demonstrates how to use the Create method in the CMFCTabCtrl class. This example is part of the State Collection sample.


Deflates the size of the specified tab area.


[in] A rectangle that specifies the area of a tab.


This method is called when you change the label of a tab. This method deflates the left and right sides of the specified rectangle by one-half the current tab height, and deflates the top and bottom by one unit.


Shows or hides a Close button ( X) on the active tab.


[in] TRUE to display the Close button on the active tab; FALSE to display the Close button on the upper-right corner of the tab area. The default value is TRUE.


Enables or disables editable tab labels.


[in] TRUE to enable editable tab labels; FALSE to disable editable tab labels.



Toggles between a user interface that uses two buttons to scroll the window tabs and an interface that displays a pop-up menu of tabbed windows.


[in] TRUE to display a pop-up menu of tabbed window labels; FALSE to display forward and backward scroll buttons. The default value is TRUE.


When the user clicks a tab label, the framework displays the corresponding tabbed window. If the tab label is visible, the tabbed window is opened without changing its position. If the user selects a document from the pop-up menu and the corresponding tabbed window is off screen, the tabbed window becomes the first tab.


Ensures that a tab is visible.


[in] The zero-based index of a tab.

Return Value

TRUE if it is successful; FALSE if the iTab parameter index is invalid.


Use this method to guarantee that the specified tab is visible. The tab control will scroll if it is required.


Retrieves the image that is associated with a tab in a pop-up menu of tabbed windows.


[in] The command ID of a tab in a pop-up menu of tabbed windows.

Return Value

The handle of a bitmap image.


Retrieves the index of the first tab that is visible in the current tab control.

Return Value

The zero-based index of a tab in the tab control.


Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus For Kids

Use this method only when the tab control is displayed in the style of Microsoft OneNote. Use the CMFCTabCtrl::IsOneNoteStyle method to determine the style.


Retrieves a value that specifies how the current tab control can be resized.

Return Value

One of the CMFCTabCtrl::ResizeMode enumeration values that specifies how the tab control can be resized. For a list of possible values, see the Remarks section of the CMFCTabCtrl::SetResizeMode method.


Retrieves a pointer to the scroll bar object that is associated with the tab control.

Return Value

A pointer to a scrollbar object, or a NULL if the tab control was not created by using the STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLL style.


Use this method to access the tab control's embedded scroll bar. A scroll bar object is created only when the tab control has the STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLL style.


Retrieves the bounding rectangle of the tab label area at the top or bottom of the tab control.


[out] When this method returns, this reference contains a rectangle that bounds the top tab label area. The rectangle is in client coordinates. This reference is empty if no tab label area exists at the top of the tab control.

[out] When this method returns, this reference contains a rectangle that bounds the bottom tab label area. The rectangle is in client coordinates. This reference is empty if no tab label area exists at the bottom of the tab control.


Use this method to determine the size and position of the tab area in the tabbed window.


Retrieves the maximum width of a tab.

Return Value

Maximum width of a tab, in pixels. If the return value is 0, the tab width is unlimited.


Use the CMFCTabCtrl::SetTabMaxWidth method to set maximum tab width.


Retrieves the height of the tab area of the current tab control.

Return Value

The height of the tab area if any tab is visible, or zero if no tab is visible.


Retrieves a rectangle that bounds the tab area of the current tab control.


[out] When this method returns, the rect parameter contains a rectangle that bounds the tab area.


Retrieves the boundary of the client area of the current tab control.


[in, out] When this method returns, this parameter contains a rectangle that bounds the current tab control.



Hides the horizontal scroll bar, if any, in the active window.


Use this method to prevent the tab control from blinking when the user switches between tab control pages.


Specifies whether the framework displays inactive tab control windows.


[in] TRUE not to display an inactive window; FALSE to display an inactive window. The default value is TRUE.



Enables or disables drawing of the tab area if there are no visible tabs.


[in] TRUE to enable drawing the tab area; FALSE to disable drawing. The default value is TRUE.



Enables or disables tab drawing if there is a single tabbed window.


[in] TRUE to not draw a tab for a single tabbed window; FALSE to draw a single tab. The default value is TRUE.



Indicates whether the current tab of a tab control is the active tab in a multiple document interface tab group.

Return Value

TRUE if the current tab of a tab control is the active tab in an MDI tab group; otherwise, FALSE.


You can organize multiple document windows into either vertical or horizontal tab groups and easily shuffle documents from one tab group to another.


Indicates whether the text of the active tab is displayed using a bold font.

Return Value

TRUE if the active tab is displayed using the bold font; otherwise, FALSE.


Use the CMFCTabCtrl::SetActiveTabBoldFont method to change the active tab font.


Indicates whether the Close button ( X) is displayed on an active tab or on the upper-right corner of the tab area.

Return Value

TRUE if the Close button is displayed on the active tab; FALSE if the Close button is displayed on the upper-right corner of the tab area.



Indicates whether the tabbed window draws a frame rectangle around embedded panes.

Return Value

TRUE if a frame rectangle is drawn; otherwise, FALSE.


Use the CMFCTabCtrl::SetDrawFrame method to enable or disable drawing a frame rectangle.


Indicates whether the frame around the tab area is flat or 3D.

Return Value

TRUE if the frame around the tab area is flat; FALSE if the frame is three-dimensional.


Use the CMFCTabCtrl::SetFlatFrame method to change how the frame is drawn.


Indicates whether the appearance of the tabs in the current tab control is flat or not.

Return Value

TRUE if the appearance of the tabs in the current tab control is flat; otherwise, FALSE.


Indicates whether the appearance of the left and right side of a tab in the current tab control is rounded.

Return Value

TRUE if the sides of each tab is rounded; otherwise, FALSE.


Indicates whether the current tab control is contained in the client area of a multiple-document interface window.

Return Value

TRUE if the current tab control is in an MDI client area window; otherwise, FALSE.


Indicates whether the current tab control is displayed in the style of Microsoft OneNote.

Return Value

TRUE if the tab control is displayed in the style of Microsoft OneNote; otherwise, FALSE.


Indicates whether the current tab control has a scroll bar that can scroll its tabs as a group.

Return Value

TRUE if the tab control has a shared scroll bar; otherwise, FALSE.


This method returns TRUE if the style parameter of the CMFCTabCtrl::Create method is STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLL.


Indicates whether the tab control displays scroll buttons or a button that displays a menu of tabbed windows.

Return Value

TRUE if tabbed windows are scrolled using a popup menu of tabbed window labels; FALSE if tabbed windows are scrolled using forward and backward scroll buttons.


Use the CMFCTabCtrl::EnableTabDocumentsMenu method to specify the method of scrolling tabbed windows.


Indicates whether tabs are drawn using the style of Visual Studio 2005.

Return Value

TRUE if tabs are drawn using the style of Visual Studio 2005; otherwise, FALSE.


Use the style parameter of the CMFCTabCtrl::Create method to specify how tabs are drawn.


Prevents the active view from losing focus when a new tab is inserted and enabled.


The focus is usually taken by a new tabbed window when the tab is inserted and made active. Set the CMFCTabCtrl::m_bEnableActivate member variable to FALSE to retain the original focus. The default value is TRUE.


Specifies the appearance of tabs in the current tab control.


[in] One of the enumeration values that specifies the appearance of the tab control. For more information, see the table in Remarks.

Return Value

Always TRUE.


The value of the style parameter can be one of the following CMFCTabCtrl::Style enumerations.

STYLE_3DDisplays three-dimensional, rectangular tabs that have round corners.
STYLE_3D_ONENOTEDisplays three-dimensional tabs that have one vertical side and one slanted side and that have rounded corners.
STYLE_3D_ROUNDEDDisplays three-dimensional tabs that have slanted sides and rounded corners.
STYLE_3D_ROUNDED_SCROLLDisplays three-dimensional tabs that have slanted sides and rounded corners. If there are more tabs than can be displayed at the same time, the framework displays a drop-down arrow and a menu of tabs to make active.
STYLE_3D_SCROLLEDDisplays three-dimensional, rectangular tabs. If there are more tabs than can be displayed at the same time, the framework displays a drop-down arrow and a menu of tabs to make active.
STYLE_3D_VS2005Displays three-dimensional, rounded tabs that have one slanted side and one vertical side.
STYLE_FLATDisplays two-dimensional tabs that have slanted left and right sides.
STYLE_FLAT_SHARED_HORZ_SCROLLDisplays two-dimensional tabs. If there are more tabs than can be displayed at the same time, the framework displays scroll arrows at the ends of the tab area.


Called by the framework during a drag-and-drop operation when the cursor first enters the window of the current tab control.


[in] Points to a data object that contains data that the user drags.

[in] Contains the state of the modifier keys. This parameter is a bitwise combination (OR) of the following values: MK_CONTROL, MK_SHIFT, MK_ALT, MK_LBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, and MK_RBUTTON. For more information, see the Message Parameters section of About Mouse Input.

[in] Contains the current location of the cursor in client coordinates.

Return Value

Microsoft office for mac. Always DROPEFFECT_NONE, which means that the drop target cannot accept the data.


Use this method to support a drag-and-drop operation. Override this method to implement your own custom behavior.

By default, this method only calls CMFCTabCtrl::OnDragOver, which always returns DROPEFFECT_NONE.

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Called by the framework during a drag operation when the mouse is moved over the drop target window.


[in] Pointer to a COleDataObject object that is being dragged over the drop target.

[in] The state of the modifier keys, which is a bitwise combination (OR) of MK_CONTROL, MK_SHIFT, MK_ALT, MK_LBUTTON, MK_MBUTTON, and MK_RBUTTON. For more information, see 'Message Parameters' in About Mouse Input.

[in] The current mouse position.

Return Value



Override this method with your custom implementation. For more information, see the CView::OnDragOver method.


Displays a pop-up menu of tabbed windows, waits until the user selects a tab, and makes the selected tab the active tab.


[in] The coordinates of where to display the pop-up menu.



Sets the current tab of a tab control as the active tab in a multiple document interface tab group.


[in] TRUE to make the current tab the active tab; FALSE to make the current tab inactive.


You can organize multiple document windows into either vertical or horizontal tab groups and easily shuffle documents from one tab group to another.


Activates a tab.


[in] Specifies the zero-based index of the tab to activate.

Return Value

TRUE if the specified tab was made active; FALSE if the specified iTab parameter value is invalid.


This sends the AFX_WM_CHANGE_ACTIVE_TAB notification to the parent window and the parent's frame of the tab control.

The SetActiveTab method automatically calls the CMFCTabCtrl::HideActiveWindowHorzScrollBar method to prevent the screen from blinking.


Enables or disables use of a bold font on active tabs.


[in] TRUE to use a bold font to display the label of the active tab; FALSE to use the standard font to display the label. The default value is TRUE.



Specifies whether a frame rectangle is drawn around an embedded bar.


[in] TRUE to display a frame rectangle around an embedded bar; otherwise, FALSE. The default value is TRUE.



Specifies whether to draw a flat or a 3D frame around the tab area.


[in] TRUE to draw a flat (2D) frame around the tab area; FALSE to draw a three-dimensional (3D) frame. The default value is TRUE.

[in] TRUE to redraw the window immediately; otherwise, FALSE. The default value is TRUE.



Specifies an image list.


[in] The ID of a bitmap resource that contains the image list.

[in] The width of each image, in pixels. The default value is 15.

Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus Free

[in] The transparent image color. The parts of the image that are this color will be transparent. The default value is the color magenta, RGB(255,0,255).

[in] A handle to a preloaded image list.

Return Value

TRUE if this method is successful. FALSE if the tab control is created by using a flat style or if the first method overload cannot load the bitmap that is specified by the uiID parameter.


Use this method to set an image list for the tab control. The images from the image list are displayed next to the tab label. This method recalculates the tab height so that the tab is sized to contain both the image and the text.

Use the CMFCBaseTabCtrl::AddTab method that is inherited by the tab control to specify the index of the image to display.


Specifies how the current tab control can be resized and then redisplays the control.


[in] One of the CMFCTabCtrl::ResizeMode enumeration values that specifies how the tab control can be resized. For a list of possible values, see the table in Remarks.


The resizeMode parameter can be one of the following ResizeMode enumeration values.

RESIZE_NOThe tab control cannot be resized.
RESIZE_VERTThe tab control can be resized vertically but not horizontally.
RESIZE_HORIZThe tab control can be resized horizontally but not vertically.


Specifies the maximum tab width in a tabbed window.


[in] The maximum tab width, in pixels.


Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus 2

Use this method to limit the width of each tab in a tabbed window. This method is useful if tabs have very long labels. The CMFCTabCtrl class constructor initializes the maximum tab width to 0, which actually means that the width is not limited.


Terminates the current resize operation on the tab control.


[in] TRUE to abandon the current resize operation; FALSE to complete the current resize operation. In either case, the framework stops drawing the resize rectangle.


Draws a horizontal scroll bar on a tab control that displays flat tabs.


[out] Pointer to a SCROLLINFO structure or NULL. When this method returns, and if this parameter is not NULL, the structure contains all the parameters of the scroll bar. The default value is NULL.

Return Value

TRUE if this method succeeds; otherwise, FALSE.


This method affects only a tab control that displays flat tabs. The scroll bar influences all the tabs at the same time.

Mac Microsoft Onenote Losing Mouse Focus Software

See also

Hierarchy Chart
CDockablePane Class
CMFCBaseTabCtrl Class